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Morning Pranayama + Meditation February Series

First live class on Monday, February 1. Classes held on Monday and Thursday mornings for the month of February from 8-9 AM ET via Zoom.

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

New to the practice of pranayama (breath work) and meditation? This is a great class for you!

In this class, you will learn how to use pranayama and meditation to find stillness, breathe, observe, and train your awareness. You will learn how to center your mind, feel more connected, and find a sense of peace and steadiness. There will be time dedicated for journaling and reflection in each class.

What to expect in class:
-learn different pranayama (breathing) techniques for centering
-sitting in meditation, which is guided with space for
-journal and reflection time
-light movement to wake up the body
-February theme is self-love

This series will help you develop a morning self-care and meditation routine centered around building a stronger connection to compassion, acceptance, and peace.

Helpful props:
You can practice in any way that is comfortable and safe for you, either sitting, standing, or laying down.
- suggested prop for sitting: meditation cushion / supportive blanket / pillow

Rate options:

  • Standard price for the whole month $75

  • Community Price for the whole month $50

  • Drop in per class $18

To register

Meditation may help you:
-may help you deal with stress
-may help with symptoms of anxiety and depression
-can improve self-awareness
-may improve memory
-may improve sleep
-may help you feel more connected to your internal and external world

January 23

Chakra Workshop

February 16

6-Week Yoga Series