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6-Week Yoga Series

Based on the success of the last 2 yoga series I offered on the 8 Limbs of Yoga and Intro to Ayurveda, I’m offering another yoga series starting in February. This series will continue to focus on the 8 Limbs of Yoga, but with an emphasis on pranayama / breath work and intermediate postures.

We will revisit the 8 limbs of yoga: (1) yama (abstinences), (2) niyama (observances), (3) asana (yoga postures), (4) pranayama (breath control), (5) pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), (6) dharana (concentration), (7) dhyana (meditation) and (8) samadhi (absorption).

If you are looking to deepen your yoga practice and understand the roots of where yoga comes from, and find more internal balance, this is a great series for you. It will also connect you to likeminded practitioners and give you the opportunity to have accountability to being consistent with your practice. Classes will be held on Zoom.

Recommended props for the series: fascia release balls, resistance bands, yoga blocks, yoga strap, yoga blanket.

Dates: Tuesdays, February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2021

Time: 7-8:15PM ET via Zoom

Price for the full series: $125 payment accepted through Zelle, Venmo (@Krishna-Dholakia), and PayPal Drop in per class: $20 Drop in rate for those with financial difficulty: $12

February 1

Morning Pranayama + Meditation February Series

March 20

Intention Setting on the Spring Equinox