Mondays Starting February 6, 2023 7-8:30 PM ET Virtual and Live on Zoom. Recording available $599
This cooking series will focus on preparing healthy meals with seasonal ingredients. We will be talking about how food relates to our health, both physically and mentally. Each week, we will prepare a vegetarian, gluten-free meal that is balancing and delicious. This series is great if you’re looking to learn new recipes and cook in community.
What you’ll learn:
Vegetarian, gluten-free recipes
Develop new cooking skills
Meal planning
How food relates to our physical and mental health
Share our strengths, struggles, and challenges with food and cooking
Learn how to mindfully cook and eat
Eating healthy on a budget
About me. I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist and have my masters in clinical nutrition. I’m also a certified diabetes educator, yoga teacher, and mindfulness / MBSR teacher. I love food and cooking. My practice with food is listening to my bodies intuition, loving the beauty of food, and practicing non-judgment and gratitude. I love eating mindfully and joyfully. Food is GREAT!
I’ve given many cooking workshops and have been the chef on retreats. I’m an expert in the field of nutrition, health, and well-being and have given many talks and helped corporations structure their wellness programs. I love working one-on-one with my clients to help them explore their relationship with their bodies, food, and health & well-being.
I’m a potter as well and love making bowls and plates and incorporating them in the cooking and eating experience.